Lamar University
Epsilon Kappa Chapter
Welcome to the future home of the Epsilon Kappa Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha. This site is under construction. Thank you for visiting.
We believe in the importance of virtue and commit to living the values of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. We recognize that truth is the foundation of all lasting association, and we will seek wisdom and knowledge while serving others in modesty and dignity.




Why Rush Pike

Quick Facts
- Largest and Most Diverse Fraternity at Lamar
- Raymond L. Orions Chapter of Excellence Award Winner
- φφκα Club Recognition
- Most Greek Game Championships Won
- Most Affordable Dues
Community Service, Philanthropy and Impact
Pi Kappa Alpha will set the standard of integrity, intellect, and achievement for our members, host institutions, and the communities in which we live.
Pikes With Pups
Pikes With Pups

Join the gentlemen of Pi Kappa Alpha in hosting the fourth annual Pikes with Pups 5K! Saturday, December 5th we invite you to run or walk your furry friends on a route around Port Neches to raise money for our local Humane Society of Southeast Texas. Once early registration ends on November 16th, prices will remain $35 per entry, but you will not receive a shirt so don’t miss out! Registration will begin at 10:00am and end at 10:30am and the race will kick off at 11:00am. The registration and shirt pick up station will be under the Pavilion at Port Neches Riverside Park. Whether you bring your dog or just want to make new friends with the ones there, come out and support the Humane Society and have some fun! Don’t worry, water will be stationed throughout the 5K course.
Want to help but can’t make it to the event? Donate now using the tab above! All proceeds go directly to the Humane Society of Southeast Texas.
Thanks for yet another great year this year, we can’t wait to see you again next year!
More information is available at the ‘Pikes With Pups’ web page.