Lake Charles Food Distribution
August 20, 2020 7:47 pm
original facebook post by Caeden Jasean Pham on Pike Alumni of Lamar Univ. (EK)
Hi, Today we had a group of guys go out to Lake Charles and cook and hand out food to the people in need. It was a great success we helped way over 500 people even got some Publicity and Pics with the National Guard. We Plan to meet at the Montaign Parking lot Tomorrow at 10am and head out there again. We were hoping we can get some more ppl with grills, truck and canopys to make a real showing and effort to get these people more help. What is needed is
- 10 more guys
- 2 more trucks
- a grill
- canopy
- some charcoal
If you can help please comment on this post, we have an active brother Holden Lewis and a PNM Issaq Farias heading up the relief effort.
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